About the Artist



Morgan Allis is a world renowned transformative painter of the Goddess, diving deep into the magic of femininity. A decade of prolific painting, channelling thousands of goddess images, fueled by a personal kundalini awakening. She found her souls dharma as a channel for new frequencies to bring to the plant thru color, image and sound. She is a soulful Artist, musician, channeling the universes songs and soul spark activations through her creations. Devoted to love, unity, beauty, and the evolving world of the embracing the masculine and feminine energies. She has mastered the blend of color, myth, archetype and shape, bringing to life her iconic 3 dimensional Goddesses to life. They are more than images they are living essences channeled thru her to speak to heart of humanity and the divine dream waking up inside of each of us. Exhibited Globally, celebrated by collectors worldwide and has truly loved receiving the community patrons that support her work. 

Some of her unique talents are speaking in light language and feeling color as vibration. A former fashion designer, now painting dreams and spreading cosmic love with her family. Based in Nosara Costa Rica and a vibrant member and founder of the Goddess Rising Network.